Well behaved women rarely make history! - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Friday, February 12, 2010

Punxsutawney Phil is on my list....

Yeah, I definitely had to look up the spelling on that one. Regardless, that ground hog has got another thing coming if he thinks this southern gal can take all this cold. I'd like to make the sun shine in places for him that he didn't think was possible.... great, now PETA is going to be all over me. I get redonk seasonal depression and I'm fit to be tied after this long cold winter. I'm thinking I may never come back from the honeymoon to Belize.... hmmmmmm. My life and job require a chipper attitude and lots of energy, so when I wake up not wanting to be that in the first place, it's hard to shine it on for 8 hours. It makes me SO exhausted when I get home, then I can't ever catch up on sleep, then I get more tired, then I'm super busy. Get the picture yet? I'm so thankful for my job because I love it so much, and as we discussed in my continuing ed class last week, I have the best job in the world!. A girl just needs a break every now and then and this cold business is just not for me. I hope you all are staying safe and warm out there, we all know how freaky Atlanta drivers get in anything less than perfect conditions. I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend, even V-day. We usually skip right over that, it's just never interested me. I've always had trouble with the whole "oh thanks for the chocolate & flowers on a day when 40 million other people are getting it" thing. And everything else is just so expensive. I'd rather get flowers on a random Wednesday in October, that's sweet, that takes thought. In closing I'd like to say, Here's to SPRING! I'm so ready to explore the colorful clothing in my closet again.