Well behaved women rarely make history! - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Monday, January 11, 2010

I be up in the gym just workin' on my fitness..

I have an 8am appointment with a trainer tomorrow and I. Am. Terrified. It's been 7 years since my days of hard core competition cheerleading and so have gone my days of working out with somone directing me. I also have only been going to the gym for a week now and I haven't been doing that in about 2 years. The last couple of places I've lived had free gyms so I didn't feel the need to pay for one, and I love getting outside for my workouts. I've just missed out on classes and the overall motivation that the girl with the 6-pack on the tredmill next to you can give. What if I can't do what the trainer wants me to? What if I pass out or something? EEEK!

I wouldn't mind looking something like this:

Check out those LEGS!!! Of course at 5"2', this is near impossible. I can dream though :)

You see, I'm not trying to toot my own horn but I was a really great cheerleader (It's ok, you can laugh). I was great with tumbling, stunts, jumps, dance, and I always lead conditioning because my coaches knew I would make it count. I'm really not in awful shape, I'm just not in awesome shape. I want to be in awesome shape. Since I've been out of the gym circut for so long I'm opening the floor to y'all to let me know some classes that you like. I have this thing where if I start a class, I can't walk out & do my own thing even if I seriously hate it. I can't quit anything! I'm so excited to get back in shape, I'm really loving my gym and the fact that it's cheap doesn't hurt either! So here's to tight buns & sculpted arms! I'll report back on how my little adventure with the P.T. goes. And you guys, send prayers!

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