Well behaved women rarely make history! - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Since when is "skanky" the new black?

I've been seeing this trend for a while with girls (and some women) ages 16-35 and it drives me bonkers!!! So I had to ask myself and you guys, since when is skanky the new black? Whatever happened to a shirt being a shirt, and NOT a dress. Whatever happened to a creative Halloween costume that didn't start with the word "naughty" (i.e. naughty nurse, naught cop, naughty secretary). And if I have to see one more damn sluty Santa I'll puke. This skank trend is not just limited to theme parties & holidays, it's hard to go to dinner without thinking, at least once, if that girl over there moves the wrong way I'll know what her undies (or lack thereof) look like. I like the Audrey Hepburns of the world who have shown women that you can be entirely sexy and knock out gorgeous while still leaving a little to the imagination. I mean, why should a man even bother to date a woman or put any effort in when we just lay it all out there? I'm starting a revolution of WEARING CLOTHES and I hope you all will join me. No more clothes that scream "I didn't get enough attention as a child" or "I just lost a ton of weight so boys finally like me". Let our clothes scream "My mamma raised me right, and I'm a lady". Now get to it, ladies.

1 comment:

  1. Here Here! Your Momma (aka me) raised you right Lady.

    Love your blog!
